A Director’s Note
2023 was a growing year. Wanake welcomed 452 summer campers – the most campers post-pandemic! And Wanake had sufficient summer staff - a first post-pandemic. It was a privilege to pass on the Good News of Jesus to each camper as we lived in Christian community. Serving with the summer staff was a powerful experience. Lives were transformed and individuals grew in service and calling. Thank you, God!
Guest groups continue to grow, increasing Wanake’s opportunities to pass on God’s love to 3006 guests in 2023! Praise the Lord!
Volunteers support the ministry at Wanake with their prayers, presence, gifts, and service year after year. 32 volunteers served during summer camp 2023. Volunteers continue to serve regularly in maintenance, food service, and administration.
2023 was a year of loss as Wanake said goodbye to alumni who contributed to Wanake in powerful ways: Sylvia (Woollard) Tallentire, Alvin Hahn, Margaret “Maggie” (Borst) Kuntz, and Dave Kennat.
This spring Wanake will remember alumni during the eclipse weekend and the Dave Kennat Memorial Work Weekend/Work Day.
Wanake will be looking to the stars (and the sun) this April as we dedicate the NEW Astronomy Building in memory of Rev Dr Merle Hayes, Alvin Hahn, Rev Susan E. Brown, and Katie Mitchell on Saturday, April 6, 2024 at 3:30 PM and hold an observation night using the new observatory and telescope that evening starting at 8:30 PM. On Monday, April 8, 2024 the eclipse of the sun will be at 99.9% totality at Wanake. All are invited to come see it at camp! Individuals and families may spend part or all of the eclipse weekend at Wanake.
In the wake of Dave Kennat’s death, Wanake has a variety of ways for friends and alumni to respond in memory of Dave’s commitment to Wanake and “pass it on!”
- Give to the Dave Kennat Memorial Endowment Fund for the upkeep of the flower gardens Dave created and maintained,
- Serve at the first annual Dave Kennat Memorial Work Weekend (May 3-5, 2024) and Work Day (Saturday, May 4, 2024),
- Attend the memorial service for Dave at Wanake in September.
Wanake invites alumni of all eras to re-connect with Wanake this spring.
- Come to the Resurrection Egg Hunt & Summer Camp Preview Day Saturday, April 27, 2024.
- Serve during the Alumni Work Week Tuesday, April 30-Sunday, May 5, 2024. Come for part or all of the work week.
- Attend the annual alumni ingathering reunion on Friday, May 3, 2024
- “Pass it on” by working on a the Spring work day scheduled for Saturdays, April 6, April 13, April 27 (Egg Hunt Tasks only-10AM-6:30PM), May 11, and May 18, 2024 from 9 AM-4 PM.
More information about summer camp, events, service, and giving, plus registration may be found on the website or through the Wanake office.
I invite you to Wanake this spring to remember, to serve, and to pass it on!
Peace and Joy in Jesus,
Julie Lautt, Director
“What a wonderous time is spring, when all the trees are budding;
the birds begin to sing, the flowers start their blooming.
That’s how it is with God’s love once you’ve experienced it;
you want to sing, it’s fresh like spring, you want to pass it on.”